Jun 27, 2005

New intern to grace the halls of Congress

Move over, Monica Lewinsky. Step away from the microphone, Jessica Cutler. Washington is welcoming a new intern to the fold: Tony Blair's son, Euan.
The eldest son of the British prime minister will spend three months working on the Republican-run House Rules Committee, and then is expected to serve an internship with an as-yet-unnamed Democrat.

It is not known how Mr. Blair, 21, ended up applying for his internship, but for most American candidates, the process involves bombarding their local congressman with letters full of glowing references. There also is the friendly telephone call from a well-placed relative or family friend.

Committee staff members were on orders when contacted last week to say nothing except to confirm that Mr. Blair would be joining them for three months. Jo Maney, the committee's press secretary, insisted it was a normal internship application, sealed by a telephone interview with the candidate.

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