Apr 21, 2005

The great matzo ball debate

Floaters or sinkers? Personally, I like 'em fluffy on the outside and a little chewy on the inside. And you must use schmaltz, flavored with onions.

And in other Passover news, you'll be relieved to know that the gorillas at Israel's Safari Park zoo are kosher for pesach.
Since the zookeepers and handlers cannot touch any leavened products during the weeklong holiday that marks the biblical Jewish exodus from Egypt, the gorillas and other animals are also fed matzo — the unleavened cracker Jews eat to remember that in their rush to flee slavery, the ancient Israelites' bread did not have time to rise.

Accustomed to eating a slice of bread with cream cheese every morning, beginning Tuesday the gorillas and other animals at the safari were fed matzo instead, said Emelia Turkel, the zoo's curator.
Via Lawrence at This Blog is Full of Crap, who adds, "What's sign language for 'Koko want schmear'?"

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