Sep 3, 2005

Date of birth? Which one?

The Horse's Mouth on cross-cultural differences and immigration.
Wife: What is DOB?

Me: Date of Birth.

Wife: Which date should I use?

Me: (looking at her strangely) Um, how many times were you born?

Wife: Once.

Me: Write that date.

Wife: The date I was actually born or the date on my ID card?

Me: Why would the date you were actually born and the date on your ID card be different?

Wife: (Starts to explain) Wo mama....yadda..yadda..yadda..

Me: Oh nevermind.

Wife: Which birth date should I put down for my mamma and my daddy?

Me: Whatever it says on their ID card.

Wife: Which name should I put down for my mamma?

Me: How many names does she have?

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