Jun 1, 2005

Giuliani for Nobel Peace Prize

Olle Wastberg, writing in the NYT today, says he will nominate Rudy for the work he did making New York a safer place.
Mr. Giuliani took office in 1994, when the city was rife with gang violence, rundown neighborhoods, robbery, graffiti and litter. The police had lost the daily battle against serious crime. The mayor brought with him a policy of rethinking the fight against crime - a policy that proved to be effective even after he left office: a quick comparison of crime rates collected by the Police Department in 1993 with those from last year show that murders went down by 76.2 percent; rapes by 41.1 percent; robberies by 74.2 percent; assaults by 57.5 percent; burglaries by 77.3 percent; grand larcenies by 45.7 percent; and car thefts by 84.5 percent.

Of course, it'll never happen. Not with the PC peace prize crowd. But it would be great if it did. Think how out of joint Bill Clinton's nose would be, for one thing.

Via Robert Tagorda at Outside the Beltway, who adds, "Overall, though, the op-ed is great publicity for "Giuliani 2008."

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

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