May 20, 2010

'The gullible, the obtuse and the treacherous'

David Solway looks at self-hating, stupid and otherwise noxious Jews with high profiles and big mouths. A sampling:
  • Jurist Richard Goldstone, who fathered the heinous UN report largely blaming Israel for its conduct during Operation Cast Lead — the same man who accepted a judicial appointment during the apartheid era in south Africa and who, according to reports, was responsible for sending 28 blacks to their death.
  • Political careerist Martin Indyk, who is harshly critical of the beleaguered Jewish state he apparently once supported. Academic maven Neve Gordon, who denounces his home country, sides with the Palestinians, and offered comfort to Yassir Arafat in the Mukataa compound during the last Intifada.
  • Visual artist Jan Egesborg circulating maps with Israel blanked out and featuring the phrase “Final Solution.” Journalist Uri Blau of the Haaretz newspaper in illegal possession of sensitive state documents.


Holmes said...

It was Africans who really enabled the proliferation of slavery. It will be Jews who allow Israel to be swept aside by the Arabs. Public shaming is a good way to respond.

Jonathan said...
