Oct 14, 2006

Top 5 musicals

A normblog poll.

  1. Singin' in the Rain--Did you know Jean Hagen sang for Debbie Reynolds who sang for Jean Hagen in the movie? Me neither, see here.

  2. My Fair Lady--Not just the music but Audrey, the clothes and the sets!

  3. Top Hat--Maybe tied with Swing Time. In any event, Fred and Ginger have gotta be in the top 5.

  4. Meet Me in St. Louis--As with the entry above, a Judy Garland entry is a must.

  5. The Music Man--Little known personal biographical detail: The summer after my first year of college I worked backstage as a dresser for a semi-professional theater in Ft. Lauderdale. This was the show, which I now know by heart.

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