Dec 16, 2005

Life imitates TV

There's an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show im which everything goes wrong for Mary, culminating in a disastrous trip to the Annual Teddy Awards with Ted Baxter as her date.

It begins when the usually immaculate Mary develops a strange bump in her hair that won't go away and goes downhill from there: She gets a bad cold, her date for the Teddies cancels, the drycleaner ruins her dress, etc. None of it is earth shattering, just a series of low grade annoyances that build and build until, if I recall, Mary breaks down and cries at the awards.

I seem to be going through one of those spells myself. No cold or mysterious hair bump, but my face is extremely chapped thanks to the hideously cold weather of the past few days. My garbage disposal stopped working the other day and the maintenance guy came by on Monday and left a note to the effect that it's broken. No word on whether/if/when it will be replaced. A half a bagel has been sitting in there since the weekend waiting to be ground down. My car is acting kind of funny, which wouldn't concern me so much except that my son's car is now in the shop until Monday so I'm performing chauffeur duty now. I saved myself from a fall on the ice the other day by performing some kind of weird contortion during which I could feel my right thigh bone sort of twist in the hip socket. My right buttock has been hurting me ever since. Then this morning I dislodged half a filling when I was brushing my teeth.

So you see: Nothing major, thank goodness. But it collectively stinks.

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