Nov 4, 2005

Spousal notification: A hypothetical question

Forget the morality of abortion, we'll take as a given that abortion-on-demand--within certain limits--is the law of the land. All things being equal, though, why shouldn't a spouse, or a sexual partner, be able to veto an abortion? After all, if a woman chooses to have a child the father is expected to support that child whether he wants it or not. So what if he wants a child and the woman doesn't?

The reverse also holds true. What if a woman decides she wants a child and her partner does not. According to the deadbeat dad laws, he's still obligated to pay support. This hardly seems fair.

And to add further to the debate. Read this, in which a man agrees to donate his sperm to a lesbian couple, who later break up. The state forced the man to pay child support.

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