Oct 25, 2005

Zeitgeist change

Ken will ditch his metrosexual look in an effort to win back Barbie. (And Ken, I think you went way too far in that direction, dude. No wonder Barbie dumped you.)

And not a moment too soon. It seems the metrosexual is officially dead (again). So says the woman who coined the term, which is handy because now she's conceived of the latest model: The übersexual.
While metrosexuals were obsessed with self-image and lifestyle, the übersexual is politically aware and passionate about real world causes. The metrosexual has women who are his best friends, while the übersexual respects women but retains men as his closest confidants. The metrosexual grooms his hair: the übersexual grooms his mind. The metrosexual reads Vogue and Cosmo, the übersexual the Economist and the New Yorker.

Celebrity metrosexuals include Jude Law, Orlando Bloom and David Beckham, whose good looks can be seen as slightly womanly.

Their übersexual counterparts include George Clooney, Donald Trump, Pierce Brosnan and Bill Clinton, who are fashionable and wear tasteful clothes, but are unashamedly masculine, not least in their often complicated and very heterosexual lifestyles. Salzman's book proclaims the world's leading übersexual as the rock star and anti-poverty campaigner Bono.

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