Sep 30, 2005

L'shanah tovah, Cindy!

Michael Lerner invites Cindy Sheehan to Rosh Hashanah services; Judith Klinghoffer is unimpressed by this display of ecumenism.
ts all so tragic and familiar. Jews who supported Nazis and Communists on similar basis. During the Vietnam War Jews failed to recognize the danger Hanoi's victory would pose to Israel and philosophy professor Michael Wyschogrod accused them of lacking "the most instinctual reflexes that come into play when the vital interests of a group are threatened." If that happened, he went on it meant that Jews "no longer identify as Jews on this visceral level" and that posed a danger which extended "far beyond any individual issue."

Luckily, the same cannot be said today about the Jewish community as a whole. The past had taught them a thing of two. Unfortunately, it taught Michael Lerner and his followers nothing. They repeat the same mistake over and over and over. Forgetting the all important basis of morality: "If I am not for myself? Who will be for me?"

Shame on him.

Via John Podhoretz.

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