Using mobile kitchens, the Salvation Army is feeding storm victims and first responders in the Gulf Coast states. A $100 donation to The Salvation Army will feed a family of four for two days, provide two cases of drinking water and one household clean-up kit, containing brooms, mops, buckets, and cleaning supplies.
The Salvation Army also runs SATERN, the Salvation Army's Team Emergency Radio Network. If you are having trouble locating family or friends in the area, click here to send a health and welfare request. If you receive an error page when asking for a 'health and welfare request,' click 'refresh' until the page appears.
UPDATE: Paul at Wizbang, a blogger left homeless and jobless by the storm, suggests people band together to pay rent for displaced families. There is a dire need for this kind of aid.
Bloggers take note: Apothegm Designers is taking bids for a complete blog redesign, all proceeds will go to the American Red Cross.
Michele is starting a drive to collect school supplies.
TTLB's Charity Leaderboard, log your contribution here.
UPDATE II: Bloggers open their sites to families looking for lost loved ones. You can post in the comments here or log on and post at World Wide Rant or Overtaken by Events.
Technorati Tags: flood aid, Hurricane Katrina
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