Sep 4, 2005

Blogging for relief: Have you made your contribution yet?

As of now, the Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Weekend has raised $712,928.

I've recommended that readers contribute to the Salvation Army because I know that, for every dollar they raise, 83 cents goes directly to the intended recipients.

Because of the overwhelming response, the Army has set up five different donations servers: Here, here, here, here and here to take donations. You can also pledge by phone at 1-800-SAL-ARMY or by mail at PO BOX 4857, JACKSON, MS 39296-4857--write "disaster relief" on the checks. You can log your donation here.

If you'd rather donate to a different charity, here's a list of recommended charities. The Fugly Girls have more charities, including corporations that are offering matching donations and stores where you can donate at the register.

Do what you can.

Technorati Tags: flood aid, Hurricane Katrina

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