Aug 31, 2005

Travels in bizarro land

Maybe you read about it: A woman is sitting on a subway when she notices a guy is staring at her. Apparently liking what he sees, the guy begins pleasuring himself right in front of God and everybody--all the while staring at the woman. Woman takes photo of guy, hands it over to police and posts it on flickr.

Who's the evildoer in this sordid tale? Why, the woman, of course.
You totally suck, like all those scoundrels trying to control others just because they are female, abusing the judicial system. Perhaps you are going to sue someone because of sneezing in public- gee, those pervets - just because you don't like it?


Why are you trying to prosecute him? Did he violate your rights in any way? Do you have a right to avoid seeing things that you don't like? Do you hate human sexuality? Are you a repressed Christian, is that why you're doing this?


You disgust me, you stupid cow and all the sensationalist 'media' idiots.

Via Ace and Karol.

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