Aug 30, 2005

Seven by seven

Shamelessly stolen from Sheila.

Seven things I plan to do before I die.

1) Travel around the world.
2) Design and plant a formal rose garden of my own.
3) Publish a book.
4) Find my soulmate or a reasonable facsimile.
5) Learn to sail a boat.
6) Visit all 50 states.
7) Become a grandmother.

Seven things I can do.

1) Bake.
2) Use a semicolon properly.
3) Shop--professionally ranked.
4) A split.
5) Write.
6) Proofread.
7) Keep a secret.

Seven things I cannot do.

1) Sit still.
2) Dive off a high dive.
3) Quote poetry from memory.
4) Read a map.
5) Save money.
6) Chin ups.
7) Sit in the backseat of a moving car.

Seven things that I find really attractive about the opposite sex.

1) Smile.
2) Shoulders.
3) Hands.
4) Behind.
5) Sense of humor.
6) Voice.
7) Smarts.

Seven things I say the most.

1) Put your sneakers away!
2) The f-word.
3) Geeeez!
4) Spare me.
5) Oy (with accompanying eye roll).
6) Where are my keys?
7) For cryin' out loud.

Seven books I love.

1) Anna Karenina
2) The Legacy
3) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
4) The Little House books
5) The Last Chronicle of Barset
6) Lucky Jim
7) Anything by PG Wodehouse

Seven people I would like to see take this quiz.

1) I
2) won't
3) pressure
4) anyone
5) to
6) do
7) this.

(But I'd be interested in reading your seven things.)

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