Aug 19, 2005

Kidnappers force Iraqi to flee country

After paying $140,000 in ransom to his father's kidnappers, Hassem is warned that his children would be next.
Two nights ago at three in the morning, Hassem came by the house to see me. It was the first time since the kidnapping that I had seen him. I was shocked by the impact the ordeal has had on him. He appears to have lost 30 pounds in six weeks and his face is drawn and shriveled.

He tried to smile but it didn't work. He stayed less than 5 minutes. He said very little as we sat at the same kitchen table where we had often had tea as he educated me on the ways of Iraq. This time we had only water. Finally he said: "John, I don't know what is happening in my country. Promise me you won't leave." Then he pushed himself away from the table. On his way out the door he grabbed my hand and said: "I'm not saying goodbye, John. I'm sure we will see each other again." I replied: "I hope so, Hassem. I really do hope so."

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