Aug 12, 2005

First they took away our cigarettes

Now they're going after our trans fats. NYC health officials urge restaurants to stop preparing foods with trans fats.
Public health officials contend that trans fat not only has the same heart-clogging properties as saturated fat, but also reduces the "good" cholesterol that works to clear arteries.

Denmark imposed a ban in 2003 on all processed foods containing more than 2 percent of trans fat for every 100 grams of fat. Canada is considering a similar ban.

Government agencies in the United States have been less interventionist, largely relying on the industry to police itself. Outside of New York, the only effort of note was a campaign in Tiburon, a small town in Marin County, Calif., that led to 18 local restaurants ending the use of trans fats.

By the time the health police get done, a macaroon and a glass of sparkling limado will be about the only indulgence left in the Big Apple.

Via The Colossus.

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