Jun 10, 2005

Now that explains it

Mark Steyn wonders why the Islamic world gets all atwitter over the alleged Koran desecration allegedly committed by US soldiers at Guantanamo and yet hardly blinks an eye when Robert Mugabe razes a mosque.
The point is that the world’s Muslims seem entirely cool with Infidel Bob razing a mosque. Yet when fraudulent stories about the Koran being flushed down a toilet and other ‘desecrations’ of the Holy Book by US guards at Guantanamo are planted in the media, the planet goes bananas. Western progressives flay the administration for Bush’s ‘cultural insensitivity’, and across the Islamic world bigshots like Imran Khan rush before the TV cameras to whip the natives into a frenzy about this latest disrespect to the Prophet. Last week Ambassador Atta el-Manan Bakhit of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference called on Washington to show ‘no leniency’ to the ‘perpetrators’ of ‘this despicable crime’. ‘This disgraceful conduct of those soldiers reveals their blatant hatred and disdain for the religion of millions of Muslims all over the world,’ said His Excellency. The Egyptian foreign minister is also in a tizzy. ‘We denounce in the strongest possible terms what the Pentagon confirmed about the desecration of the Qu’ran,’ says Ahmed Aboul Gheit, calling for strong measures, heads to roll, etc.
Either Steyn didn't get the memo, or he's being deliberately obtuse. You see the Americans have been designated by the Pope to carry out the military action that will see the Christianizing of the world.

Don't believe me? Thanks to MEMRI (and Roger Simon, from whom I stole the link), all is revealed in an interview with Egyptian historian Professor Zaynab Abd Al-Aziz.
Host: "They decided to Christianize the world?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Yes. The decisions of the 1965 Vatican Council included, first of all, absolving the Jews of the blood of Christ. This decision is well known and was the basis for the recognition of the occupying Zionist entity - Israel. The second decision was to eradicate the left in the eighties. I believe we've all witnessed this. The third decision was to eradicate Islam, so that the world would be Christianized by the third millennium."

Host: "Why is America hostile to Islam, although we never had and never will have the same conflict with them we had with Europe?"

Abd Al-Aziz: "Well, do you remember what we just said about the Second Vatican Council in 1965 and about Christianizing the world? It was agreed upon and pre-arranged. John Paul II prepared a five-year plan, on the eve of the third millennium, Christianize the world. His address in 1995 was based on the assumption that by the year 2000, the entire world would be Christianized. Since the plan was not accomplished, the World Council of Churches assigned this mission to the US in January 2001, since the US is the world's unrivaled military power. They named the decade between 2001-2010 "the age of eradicating evil" – "evil" referring to Islam and Muslims.

"The Crusader war is ongoing, because it has been a religious war since the dawn of Islam. Later, colonialism, missionaries, and Christianization were introduced. The Crusader war is ongoing. The Inquisition courts exist to this day. As I told you, the pope who was appointed a few days ago, headed the Inquisition Court, which is now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"When in January 2001, the World Council of Churches delegated this mission to the US - what did the US do? It fabricated the show of… is it September 9 or 11?"

I have only one question: Since the Jews are apparantly in on this plot, can we make some sort of deal to keep a few Moslem children around? We're gonna need their blood to make matzo come Passover. Perhaps, we could breed them. Nothing says fresh like free-range Moslems.

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