Jun 26, 2005

Is he serious? Poor Washingtonienne, indeed

Kevin Aylward would have us feel sorry for Jessica Cutler, the small-time hooker who slept her way to the bottom of Washington society, blogged about it and got herself a book deal in the process:
The story of how Cutler's blog became tabloid fodder begins with Ana Marie Cox, the editor of Wonkette. Cox was alerted to Jessica's blog, which she had been writing for a few short weeks in total anonymity - her identity known only to a few close friends who were the intended audience. Within a day of being featured on the DC based gossip blog Cutlers chaotic personal life was barred [sic] to a world-wide audience, including members of the Hill community who fingered her as the author in no time at all. The rash of publicity and revelations resulted in a Dynasty-style confrontation that lead to Cutler's ouster from DeWine's office.

As her world collapsed around her Cutler acted like she didn't give a damn to anyone who would listen. Friends knew otherwise, noticing that stress-induced lack of appetite was causing weight to melt off her already svelte frame and that she appeared to be on a fast track toward a nervous breakdown.

During the period after the story exploded Cutler and Cox became friends of necessity, as Jessica was still a mystery woman to most of the world. Cutler, out of work, short on cash, and hoping to capitalize on her 15 minutes of fame, needed Cox - if nothing else for what she figured was her maturity and ability to understand Jessica's plight. Since her story was first told at Wonkette requests for Cutler's story initially flowed directly to Cox.
Poor thing. I guess the Playboy spread helped with that cash flow thing, didn't it? But Jessica is a feisty gal, Aylward assures us. And now she's back and better than ever.
One year later she looks back on her relationship with Cox with more the jaded eye of someone who is already making a living as an author.
"She makes a lot of snide and condescending remarks, that I'm desperate for attention, that I need therapy - which is really the pot calling the kettle black. She wants to make sure everyone knows that she's better than I am, but her blog is pretty boring when she's not talking about me."

"For some reason she thinks it's important for her to disassociate herself from the Washingtonienne thing. She's got to do what she's got to do. But girlfriend does talk some shit."

Jessica Cutler also has something that Cox can only dream of -- positive reviews for her first book, The Washingtonienne: A Novel.
Yeah, the review today in the New York Times said it "could be a lot worse." Since the buggery-obsessed blogger--Heh! She said ass-fucking!--also has a novel in the works, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before Cox receives similar accolades.

Meanwhile, I'll reserve my feelings of pity--minimal though they are--for the poor misguided, unmarried sucker who was idiotic enough to have sex with her only to have the details splashed across the blogosphere.

And I'll save my admiration for a broad who really did sleep her way to the top: Pamela Harriman, who not only kept her mouth shut about the sordid details of her love life but managed to get a president elected long after her more fleeting charms fled.

Cross-posted at Red State Rant.

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