Jun 7, 2005

Advertising and feminine hygiene

Lileks doesn't like this:


Which he associates with the dreaded 1960s.
Why no one ever pillages the 30s, 40s and 50s for ideas – eras that had superb graphics the likes of which these patchouli-addled whippersnappers could never craft – is beyond me. I guess they figure they can’t lose: the aging boomers will feel flattered that the styles of their Flaming Youth are still cool; the young kids, having been raised on the idea that the 60s were the apex of human civilization and the early 70s were kinda funky and cool in a weird sort of way, respond the same way I respond to styles of the 50s: like messages from Atlantis.

I hold no brief for the sixties. In fact, my response to anything from that era is more closely aligned with Lileks' than the nostalgia-addled boomers. But surely, the graphic is more reminiscent of this era than the 1960s:


Speaking of feminine products, I've been miffed for quite some time about this ad for quite some time. It's a combination of the song, "There She Goes," the images of young womanhood looking lovely and feisty, and the drawing:


All of which seem to add up to the conclusion: See these lovely girls, see how vital, how talented they are? Well, thanks to us, you can fuck them nonstop without consequence.

In closing, to continue with the, perhaps unfortunate, theme of this post: Here's a gallery of ads for menstrual products from the 1920s and beyond.

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