May 10, 2005

Arab Holocaust museum in Nazareth

You read that right. Israeli-Arab attorney Khaled Mahmid founded the Arab Institute for The Holocaust Research and Education in Nazareth.
The holocaust is the base of the evil in the world. Six million Jews paid with their lives during the Second World War.

The holocaust plays a great role in the spiritual and material live in the Jewish world.

We believe that every aspect of the relations between Arabs and Jews in Israel is affected by the holocaust
The museum has not made Mahmid popular among Arabs. He has been ostracized by his brother and the Arab press has questioned his sanity.
But Mahameed answers that the masses of Arabs who deny or minimize the Holocaust must understand that ''we are not talking about 20,000 Israelis or 30,000 people killed in the conflict here -- we are talking about 6 million people killed in cold blood." He said during an interview in the museum, known officially as the Arab Institute for Holocaust Research and Education: ''This is very important. This affects the policies of the Israeli government toward the Palestinians, toward the land, the budget, settlements -- everything.

''If Arabs really understand this, they should understand that they must act with all their force to protect Israel and defend Jews against Nazis and other killers," he said. ''And when the Jewish people see that the Arabs understand, they will be able to give the Arabs their rights."

Via ck @ Jewlicious.

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