Apr 13, 2005

Must reads

Beautiful Atrocities nominates the Mother of the Year:
Jackson lavished affection on Mrs. X & Noodles, whisking them to Disney World & even Monaco, where he packed her off on a prepaid shopping spree. Around this time, Mrs. X's brother questioned the relationship, & at this point Mrs. X became concerned. She voiced her concerns to Jackson, which netted her a necklace, a pair of earrings, a ring, & a $7000 gift certificate. (And, ultimately, an out of court settlement.)

Beautiful Atrocities salutes Mrs. X for alertness above & beyond the call of duty. She joins previous Mothers of the Year Patsy Ramsey, Susan Smith, Joan Crawford, & Mama Rose. Sadly, Mrs. X testified that Noodles, now 25, hasn't spoken to her in 11 years. Isn't that a fine thank you!
Neo-neocon writes an elegy for HoJo's:
How the mighty have fallen. One with Nineveh and Tyre, and all that. My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: look on my Works ye Mighty, and despair. Those orange roofs that had dotted the highways of my youth, gone? There were so many once, like the passenger pigeons that had blackened the nineteenth-century skies; how could they be no more?

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