Apr 13, 2005

Isn't John Kerry just a footnote anymore?

I ask this because of this PoliPundit post in which Kerry solicits email from families of service members who have "endured hardship in service to our nation."

Sure it's the usual liberal tripe, seeking to make victims out of people whose heroics we should be celebrating. But who cares?

Kerry reminds me of Bob Dole. One minute you're running to be leader of the free world, the next you're hawking Viagra.

Yeah, Kerry's still in the Senate so theoretically he could be making mischief. But who's listening? All the talk for the Dems in 2008 is focused around Hillary. Kerry got the nomination because he wasn't Howard Dean. Dole got the nomination because "it was his turn." Beyond that niether man stood for much and it showed in the polls.

Time has passed John Kerry by. I don't care whether he signs form SF-180 or not. I'd just be grateful if he went away.

Let's do our part and ignore him altogether.

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