Apr 15, 2005

Happy 50th Mickey D's

Jeff Jarvis writes a nice appreciation of McDonald's and nearly half the commenters are apoplectic.
It also sells food that kills you if you eat it regularly, as Jarvis admits. Plus it homgenises food and food production and pays insulting wages where it can get away with it. For example, in Hong Kong, that equates to slightly over £1 an hour. But of the workers, not a word from Jarvis. Too busy chomping his cheeseburger. So Jeff Jarvis calls this company "America". He's only partly right. It is America but the worst side - and yet he chooses to use his blog as free advertising for company that is hardly short of a dollar or two.

Who needs Republicans when got Democrats like Jarvis?

Posted by Benjamin at April 15, 2005 12:26 AM

Geez, people. Nobody's tying you up and forcing french fries down your throat. And an occasional quarter-pounder with cheese isn't going to kill you. BTW, I once had a dieting-obsessed friend who ate so-much red cabbage, in between her meals of a slice of low-fat swiss cheese, that the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet turned bright orange. Everything in moderation, as the Greeks say.

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