Apr 14, 2005

$10,000 magazine offer angers librarians

Librarians say that a $10,000 offer by Intel for a 1965 copy of Electronics Magazine may have already led to the volume's disappearance at one engineering library. And other librarians are putting their copies under lock and key.
Librarians at Stanford University, the University of Washington and other universities say they are angry at Santa Clara, Calif.-based Intel for posting on eBay a $10,000 bounty for a copy of the magazine. The bounty went up on April 11. Since then, others have posted bounties too.

Although Intel specifically said it would only buy library copies from libraries, the situation is creating problems. Stanford has pulled its copy off the shelves, said Karen Greig, head of reference at the engineering library at Stanford.
The April 19, 1965 issue of the magazine had an article by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in which he first formulated Moore's Law: that the number of components on integrated circuits was doubling every year.

Intel's eBay offer is here. The company has said it will take down the offer tonight.

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